Supporting Minds
For the foreseeable future, we are bringing our services under one virtual umbrella to support you through this challenging time.
A Mind worker will be contacting you to provide:
- Regular support by phone, email or text from Monday to Friday
- Wellbeing planning to help you prepare and cope at home
- Vulnerability assessment to evaluate the level of practical support you may need
- Regular tips and information on how to look after your mental health and,
- Information and support to help you access other services
If you have any questions about Supporting Minds, please get in touch with us on 020 8964 1333 or email [email protected]
Coronavirus and your wellbeing
Mind have put together a useful resource to help your wellbeing during this difficult time. This information is to help you cope if:
- you’re feeling anxious or worried about coronavirus
- you’re staying at home and avoiding public places, following Government advice that we should stay at home as much as possible
- you are self-isolating because you, or someone you live with, has symptoms of coronavirus. Self-isolating means that you stay home and keep away from other people.
For more information, visit the Mind website.
Author: Michelle Jackson
Posted on: 3rd April 2020