Accredited Training Courses

eEDC Information Technology

Allows candidates to learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression in the ICT sector as Database Administrators, Internet/Web Professionals, IT Product Developers, IT Technical Sales Specialist, IT Trainers, Multimedia Designers, Network Managers, Office Equipment Service Technicians, Software Developer/Programmers, Systems Analysts and Telecommunications Technicians.

This qualification is for learners who work or want to work as apprentices in the IT and Telecoms Sector.

How to access

Referrals for this course are accepted from Community Mental Health Hubs. If you are interested in this course, speak to your named worker at the Kensington and Chelsea North Mental Health Hub or the Kensington and Chelsea South Mental Health Hub. 

Practical Horticulture Skills

This qualification is aimed at people who wish to gain the knowledge and skills you need to work with plants.

Focusing upon the fundamental practical skills in horticulture, the learner will be able to learn skills such as planting out, preparing ground, pruning, using a mower, maintaining turf or constructing a path.

How to access

Referrals for this course are accepted from Community Mental Health Hubs. If you are interested in this course, speak to your named worker at the Kensington and Chelsea North Mental Health Hub or the Kensington and Chelsea South Mental Health Hub. 

Painting and Decorating

This qualification is aimed at learners aged 16 and above who work or want to work in the construction industry and specialise in the area of painting and decorating.

Our qualifications are aimed at people wishing to learn some skills in painting and decorating, to progress on to becoming skilled in their chosen trade, or to progress through an apprenticeship and work towards becoming a master craftsman.

Employability Skills

Employability Skills qualifications are designed to support an individual successfully gaining a job, progressing in a chosen field, preparing the individual for further study and supporting the development of techniques required for successful independent living.

These qualifications are aimed at anyone who wants to live a more independent life, progress in education and/or their employment prospects; get into a job, develop on the job or move onto the next job, as they progress along the career ladder.

This course is currently being redesigned. 

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