Talking therapies are treatments which involve talking to a trained professional about your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. There are many different types of talking therapy but they all aim to:



Talking therapies
and helplines can be a vital source of support

  • Give you a safe time and place to talk to someone who won’t judge you
  • Help you make sense of things and understand yourself better
  • Help you resolve complicated feelings, or find ways to live with them
  • Help you recognise unhelpful patterns of behaviour
What kind of problems can Talking Therapies help with?

Talking Therapies can offer help across a range of difficulties, such as:

  • Difficult life events, such as bereavement, or losing your job
  • Relationship problems
  • Upsetting or traumatic experiences, whether it’s something recent or something that happened a long time ago
  • Difficult emotions, such as grief, guilt, sadness, confusion, anger and low self-esteem
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Other mental health problems
  • Talking Therapies can also help with a range of diagnoses, and specific talking treatments have been developed for some mental health problems, as well as long term physical problems.
For more information about Talking Therapies

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