It Takes Balls to Talk
#ItTakesBallsToTalk is a mental health campaign by Ystradgynlais Mind in affiliation with their local Rugby community featuring the voice of Michael Sheen.
This campaign is aimed at creating much needed conversation surrounding the mental health of men within the Welsh Rugby community, but the message can be relayed to all men.
Evidence has shown that men are less likely to reach out to ‘professionals’ when faced with feelings of depression and are instead far more likely to talk to their mates in more social settings, in the changing room, or even over a pint, in the club.
Ystradgynlais Mind are asking you to tackle this stigma head on by joining their movement… When we lose one of ‘our boys’, we always, always ask why? Nobody ever sees it coming… so get on board, we can beat this… give this a try… Join our movement by sharing this message as loudly and proudly as you possibly can. If it saves just one life, then it’s a job well done.
Should you require immediate support please see below useful contacts:
Samaritans – 116 123
Mind – 0300 1233 393 CALL 24/7 – 0800 132 737
NHS Direct – 111
Hafal – 01792 816600
Bipolar UK – 0333 3233 880
Platfform – 01656 647722
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide – 0800 068 4141
The CALMzone – 0800 585858
This campaign was brought to you by Ystradgynlais Mind (Charity reg: 1075400)
Author: Stewart Gillespie
Posted on: 28th September 2021