Connecting Minds provides outreach and engagement to gain a better understanding of the mental health needs of different communities and  particularly those that are currently underserved by local mental health services.


Mind is working to connect people and communities to fight for mental health


  • We provide advice and information to connect people with local mental health services to help them get the   support they need
  • We facilitate user involvement meetings across our services and the wider community to connect with our beneficiaries and stakeholders to hear about what we are getting right, what we need to change and how we can improve our services
  • We connect and consult with local communities to learn more about local mental health needs, so that mental health services can be designed and developed to meet the needs of different communities and not just a one size fits all approach
  • We deliver psychoeducation workshops and training on different mental health topics to help people gain knowledge about mental health conditions, recovery support and how to stay well.  
  • We connect with our community to provide volunteer opportunities to help people gains skills and experience in a variety of roles; for example, helping to facilitate meetings, peer to peer evaluations and surveys, supporting workshops and helping to publicize our work.



Eligibility criteria

People with lived experience of mental health difficulties living or working in Kensington and Chelsea.

Contact us

For more information about Connecting Minds contact 020 8964 1333